TPOVU ;The Quad-Pulsar Attack System, detecting your FCH, fires...4 - Dies while using an FCH on a Fort w/ Quad-PulsarU AYou pull out your Fort Code Hacker and look for the nearest fort. ]&There is not a fort located near here. Use an FCH on this fort? YesAYou go up to the fort and place the Fort Code Hacker on the wall. This fort has an Anti-FCH System installed.*A Quad-Pulsar/Defense System watches your EVERY move... Choose which to hack! Fort Management Entrance Code Door Security Code Don't Use it! Fort Code Hacker ExitFortCodeHacker FMCode&Fort Code Hacker/Fort Management Code Distorted by Anti-FCH." - Fort Code Hacker/FM Code\Fort DoorSecCode$Fort Code Hacker/Door Security Code - - Fort Code Hacker/Door Security Code\Fort U Items in Fort's Storage Weapon [1] - Rnds Left/ Ammo Pks Weapon [2] - Weapon [3] - Weapon [4] - Armour [1] - Armour Pts Armour [2] - Armour [3] - Armour [4] - Credits are stored here. Credit is stored here. Compasses Mappers Medical Kits Clocks Communicators LandMines Fort Scanners Transporters PassCards Tracking Systems Space EcoSystems Thermal Viewers Tracking Jammers Thermal Scanners Fort Code Hackers THS Systems Geographic Analyzers PTS Fort Analyzers Infrared Analyzers Interplanetary TransportersU Pick Up Items from Fort Storage Rnds Left/ Ammo Pks Armour Pts Miscellaneous Items Stored Credits Check Status Leave Storage Room Pick Up Items in Storage Room PickUpMisc GetCreds The Fort has Credits. Get how many Credits out? &The Fort doesn't have that much money! PickUpWeaponA#You already have 2 weapons on hand! Picking Up your PickUpWeaponB PickUpWeaponC PickUpWeaponD PickUpArmourA"You already are wearing an armour! Getting your PickUpArmourB PickUpArmourC PickUpArmourD ExitPickUpU #Drop Items into Fort's Storage Room Rnds Left/ Ammo Pks Armour Pts Store Miscellaneous Items Credits View Storage Room Check Status Leave Storage Room Store Items in Storage Room DropMisc DropCreds You have Credits on hand. Put how much in You don't have that much money! ViewStorage DropWeapon1"You already have 4 weapons stored! Storing your ... Left Fist DropWeapon2 Right Fist DropArmour"You already have 3 armours stored! ExitDropU Fort Storage Room Store Items in Storage Room Pick Up Items in Storage Room View Items in Storage Check Status Leave the Storage Room Fort Storage Room StoreItems PickUpStorage ViewStorage ExitStorageRoomU You have Credits with you. Give which Player Credits? Give how many Credits? Exceeding Savings Limit You give Credits.U RemotePlayerView View Which Player? Non-Existant Player. Level Exp PtsU Consuming 3 Power Units. Fort Communications Message Areas E! PrivCom/Private Message Function Leave Feedback to View Time Log Global Scan Message Base NewScan Message Base Remote Access Trading Market Supplies Area Corporations Data Give a Player Credits Remote View of a Player Needed Experience Check Status Exit Fort Communications Fort Comm GiveCreds TradingMarket Corporations ExperienceNeeded Supplies GlobalScan NewScan LeaveFeedBack PrivCom MessageAreas ExitFortCommU 'You have run out of time for this call.U Unknown BuildWeaponry0You must have atleast one hand free of weaponry. Build Weaponry Total Cost Credits Cash on Hand Weapon Type Fully-Automatic Projectile Name Power Per 1 Str Build this Weapon Check Status Build Weaponry PowerPer1Strike Power Per 1 Strike/Shot BuildWeapon Weapon Built. Consuming 10 Power Units. WeaponName Name mYou put your hand on the ID System, but the door stays closed!+You carefully insert one of your PassCards. Enter 3-Digit Code %You enter the correct code and enter. You entered in the wrong code!/You have nothing to put in the PCE System slot.;Something tells me you should enter in the correct code... Enter 7-Digit Code 4The Sentry Guard pauses and steps back as you enter.4You say the wrong code and the Sentry Guard attacks! S74 Cybernetic Sentry Guard&Implanted Fusion/Plasma Assault Cannon Sentry Refraction Armour/You haul some serious butt away from the S74...0You hear a few bleeps, then the door slams open.;As you run in the fort, the S74 completely rebuilds itself!:The ZZ80's godlike presense sends a chill down your spine. Enter 8-Digit Code ;The ZZ80 responds with a polite gesture and lets you enter.@The ZZ80 responds to your wrong code with the arming of his gun! ZZ80 Replica Security Guard ZZ80 4-Barreled Assault Cannon Advanced Deflector Suit7You take off as fast as your inhuman legs can afford...(Beating the ZZ80 triggers the door open.%H%R%c%h%r% &(&9&>&H&Y&^&h&m& '#'<'F'U'Z'd's'x' ()(.(8(G(L(V(`(j({( ) )1)6)@)E)T)^)m)r)|) *(*7*<*F*Y*^*h*m*|* +++0+:+I+N+X+]+b+q+{+ ,&,0,?,D,W,\,k,p,z, -!-&-p-u- .a.f.u.}. .+/0/?/G/e/j/ 0V0[0j0r0 0 1%141<1Z1_1 1F2K2Z2b2t2~2 3$3,3J3O3o3y3~3 3;4@4O4W4i4s4}4 5!5?5D5Z5d5i5n5s5x5 6"6,61666;6@6Q6[6e6o6t6y6~6 7#7-777<7A7F7K7^7 8&8O8^8 ;";,;;;@;J;Y;^;h;r;|; < =H=M=\=f=u=z= >!>&>0>?>D>W>\>k>p>z> ?$?.?=?B?L?[?`?j?o?~? @#@(@1@=@N@a@f@ A%A*A4A9AJAYAjA B!BUB_BdBiBnBsB C/C4CCCKC]CgCqC{C D#D5D?DIDSDXD]DbDgD E!E+E0E5E:E?EXE E*F4F9F>FCFHFZFdFnFxF}F G G2GSMSRS\SkSpSzS T@TOTYT^T U%U4U>UMURU\UkUpUzU V V?V W"W'W;WIWfW X XRXWXfXnX Y"Y1Y6YGYLY[Y`YjYoY~Y Y?\[\j\t\y\ ]#]-]2]A]K]Z]_]i]x]}] ^,^1^;^@^V^`^o^t^~^ _#_(_2_7_F_P___d_n_}_ `"`1`6`@`E`T`^`m`r`|` a!a&a0a?aDaNa]abalaqa b b/b4b>bMbRb\bkbpbzb c$c.c3cBcLc[c`cjcyc~c d#d(d7dAdPdUd_dddmdyd e'e,eDoor Security will not allow others to freely enter your fort. None/Not Equipped Electric-Door Lock System Hand-Print ID Computer System PCE Slot System!Duo-Turret Laser Cannon Sec. Sys. S74 Cybernetic Sentry Guard ZZ80 Replica Security Guard ZZ120 ReplicaSecurity Guard Quad-Pulsar/Door Security System Current Door Security ]0 Electric-Door Lock System - 25000 Credits B0 Hand-Print ID Computer System - 185000 Credits C0 PCE Slot System - 345000 Credits D0 Duo-Turret Laser Cannon - 1000000 Credits E0 S74 Cybernetic Sentry Guard - 5000000 Credits Change Door Security Code Check Status Exit You have Credits on hand. Door Security Options ChangeDoorCode Enter a New 2-Digit Code Enter in a New 7-Digit Code You don't need a security code!*Enter in a New PCE Slot Sys. 3-Digit Code Enter in a New 8-Digit Code &You don't have a door security system! Buy Duo-Turret*You purchase your Duo-Turret Laser Cannon.#Please Enter your 7-Digit PassCode Buy S74.You purchase your S74 Cybernetic Sentry Guard. But Electric-Door Lock System,You purchase your Electric-Door Lock System. Enter a 2-Digit Security Code Buy Hand-Print ID0You purchase your Hand-Print ID Computer System.DRemember - This Security system will only respond to YOUR handprint! Buy PCE Slot System"You purchase your PCE Slot System.8The builders hand you a PassCard for Stage [1] Entrance.0For Stage [2] Entrance, Enter in a 3-Digit Code Stage [2] Entrance completed.ENow, you will need atleast 1 Passcard to completed Stage [1], and you9will need to know the 3-digit code for Stage [2]. Simple. ExitDoorSecMenuU Configure Fort Stats Change Current Owner Name Change Fort Name C" Change Corp Member/Door Sec. Flag Check Status Exit Configure Fort Stats ChangeFortName Current Name - Enter New Name CorpMember/DoorSecFlagEThis feature allows any Corporation members to enter the fort without%having to enter a door security code."Allow Corp Members to enter fort? ChangeOwnerName Current Owner Name - New Owner Name Non-Existant Player. ExitFortStatsU Storage Room Security MenuGStorage Room Security will keep others from entering your Storage Room. Current Storage Room Security Digit Code ]* 3-Digit Code - 20000 Credits B* 5-Digit Code - 250000 Credits C* 7-Digit Code - 700000 Credits D* 10-Digit Code - 2.2 Mil Credits Check Status Exit You have Credits on hand. Buy Which? -Digit Code You lack the cash for that. Enter in a -Digit Security Code 0Fort Management Entrance Security/Misc. Security Buy Fort Management Code Change Fort Management Code Dispose of a Player in Fort D Display ALL Fort Security Codes E! Set Sleeping Quarters Rental Fee Storage Room Security Menu G" Change Storage Room Security Code Check Status Exit1Fort Management Entrance Security/Misc. Security SetRentalFee,Enter in a new Sleeping Quarters Rental Fee Your new Rental Fee is Credits per rest. ChangeFMCode Enter in a New -Digit Security Code DisplayALLCodes Display ALL Fort Security Codes Fort Management Security Code Storage Room Security Code Door Security Code DisposeofPlayer Fort Roster Log Dispose of Which Player? You dispose of . BuyFMCode Buy Fort Management CodeFFort Management Code will protect others from reconfiguring your fort. Current FM Sec Code -Digit Code None- 2 Digit FM Security Code - 70000 Credits- 3 Digit FM Security Code - 200000 Credits- 5 Digit FM Security Code - 1.25 Mil Credits- 7 Digit FM Security Code - 3.5 Mil Credits No Change You have Credits on hand. Fort Management Security 2-Digit Enter 2 Digit Security Code 3-Digit Enter 3 Digit Security Code 5-Digit Enter 5 Digit Security Code ABCDE 7-Digit Enter 7 Digit Security Code 6417805 -Digit FM Code StorageSecMenu ExitFMSecMenuU Configure Fort Add-Ons ]: Construct Transmission Grid - 435000 Credits B: Buy a Radar - 45000 Credits C: Purchase a Technical Development Center - 2 Mil Credits - $Requires 800 Power Units to be built D: Buy a Dry Dock - 250000 Credits E: Buy a Surgical System - 125000 Credits F: Build a Bank-Access Terminal - 125000 Credits G: Buy a Fort Communication System - 125000 Credits H: Buy a Fort Tracking Jammer - 1 Mil Credits I: Build a Storage Room - 200000 Credits J: Buy Sleeping Quarters - 75000 Credits Check Status Exit Cash on Hand - Credits Configure Fort Add-Ons Radar+You send for the crew and build your radar.AThe Radar will allow you to scan for others outside of your fort. FortTrackingJammerA loud explosion is heard as the concussive LandMine goes off.GThe Fort's Quad-Pulsar/Defense System quickly sonographically scans the@area and detects the faint sound : The sound of a beating heart.IThe Quad-Pulsar sends a chunk of "harnessed" pulsar and slams you and the area around you 4 miles under...A - Dies from a Quad-Pulsar/Defense System while using a LandMineGYour LandMine had no visible exterior (or interior) effect to the fort.?The S74 Sentry Guard detects the explosion and comes after you! S74 Cybernetic Sentry Guard&Implanted Fusion/Plasma Assault Cannon Sentry Refraction Armour5The ZZ80 Replica hears the explosion and attacks you! ZZ80 Replica Security Guard ZZ80 4-Barreled Assault Cannon Advanced Deflector Suit7The ZZ120 Replica senses the explosion and attacks you! ZZ120 ReplicaSecurity Guard ZZ120 6-Barreled Assault Cannon Infino Armour;The LandMine goes off and completely blows the fort's door!2The ZZ120 Sentry Guard disintegrates at your feet!CThe ZZ80 Sentry Guard is completeley disassembled by the explosion.0The S74 Sentry Guard disintegrates at your feet!:The Duo-Turret Laser Cannon melts and falls to the ground.3The PCE Slot System bursts into millions of shards.=The Hand-Print ID System goes with the blast of the LandMine.GThe Electric-Door Lock System turns into a wad of unrecognizable metal.$ - LandMine/Destroys Security\Fort U .You have enough Experience for a level change! Current Level - Current Experience - You will go upto Level Adding to Max Hit Points. to Dexterity. lbs. to Strength. What stat do you wish to update? Strength - lbs. Dexterity - HitPoints - / Level Change/Update which Stat? Strength Your Strength has been risen to Dexterity Your Dexterity has risen to . HitPoints"Your Max Hit Points have risen to pts. - Advanced a Level U )Sell Miscellaneous Items/Current Holdings - Compass - 100 Credits B- Mapper - 300 Credits C- Medical Kit - 80 Credits D- Clock - 700 Credits E- Communicator - 1300 Credits F- LandMine - 3000 Credits G- Fort Scanner - 165000 Credits H- Transporter - 200000 Credits I- PassCard - 45000 Credits J- Tracking System - 125000 Credits K- Space EcoSystem - 165000 Credits L- Thermal Viewer - 85000 Credits M- Tracking Jammer - 125000 Credits N- Thermal Scanner - 155000 Credits O- Fort Code Hacker - 200000 Credits P- THS System - 355000 Credits Q- Geographic Analyzer - 50000 Credits R- PTS Fort Analyzer - 375000 Credits S- Infrared Analyzer - 500000 Credits T- Interplanetary Transporter - 250000 Credits Sell ALL Extra Unused Misc. Items Exit to Supplies Sell What? SellAllExtra/UnusedMisc Extra/Unused Items Sold Value Credits Transfer to Savings? Compass Sell How Many Compasses? Mapper Sell How Many Mappers? MedicalKit Sell How Many Medical Kits? Clock Sell How Many Clocks? Communicator Sell How Many Communicators? LandMine Sell How Many LandMines? FortScanner Sell How Many Fort Scanners? Transporter Sell How Many Transporters? PassCard Sell How Many PassCards? TrackingSystem Sell How Many Tracking Systems? SpaceEcoSystem Sell How Many Space EcoSystems? ThermalViewer Sell How Many Thermal Viewers? TrackingJammer Sell How Many Tracking Jammers? ThermalScanner Sell How Many Thermal Scanners? FortCodeHacker!Sell How Many Fort Code Hackers? THSSystem Sell How Many THS Systems? GeoAnalyzer$Sell How Many Geographic Analyzers? PTSFortAnalyzer"Sell How Many PTS Fort Analyzers? InfraredAnalyzer"Sell How Many Infrared Analyzers? InterplanetaryTransporter+Sell How Many Interplanetary Transporters? ExitSellMiscU { 'H'W'\'f'k'{' (%(4(>(M(R(\(a(q( )()-)=)K)W)f)p) *$*)*.*=*G*V*[*e*j*{* + +/+9+H+M+W+\+m+|+ ,',1,@,E,O,T,e,t, - -%-*-B-m-r- . ...H.M.\.f.k.p.u.z. .21;1J1T1Y1^1m1w1 2!2+2:2?2I2N2]2n2x2 3"3,3;3@3J3O3^3h3w3|3 4.4<4P4U4d4n4}4 555N5]5b5q5{5 616N6a6k6z6 7"7e7 8%8<:E:T:^:c:h:w: ;-;7;F;K;U;d;i;s;x;}; <"<,<;<@ >*>9>>>H>M>R>a>k>z> ?!?/?F? @@@O@Y@j@o@y@ G!G&G+G:GDGSGXGbGqGvG H"H1H;HJHOHYHhHmHwH I(I2IAIFIPI_IdInI}I J&J0J?JDJNJ]JbJlJ{J K K/K4K>KMKRK\KkKpKzK L&L0L?LDLNLSLcLqL MSMXMgMqM N.NMNRNaNkNpNuN O#O(O2O7OMOWOfOkOuO O*PPP_PdPyP~P QFQyQ QqRvR S!S&S5S?SDSISXSbSgSlS T'T,T6TETJTTTYT^TmTwT U!U+U:U?UIUNU]UgUvU{U V*V/V9V>VMVWVfVkVuV W#W(W7WAWPWUW_WdWmWyW X)XFX`X Y4Y_YwY Z3ZKZZZdZsZxZ [,[1[;[J[O[Y[^[o[~[ f!f7fAfPfUf_fnfsf}f g"g1g;gJgOgYg^gtg~g h*h/h9hHhMhWh\hrh|h i(i-i7iFiKiUiZipizi j&j+j5jDjIjSjXjnjxj k"k,k;k@kJkOk^khkwk|k l l%l/l4lClMl\lalklplyl m#mmmrm n(n-nvHvMv\vfvuvzv w)w.w8w=wSw]wlwqw{w x"x'x1x6xLxVxexjxtx y(y-ye+8Iu >e+8Iu >e+8Itm >e+8Itg >e+8Itg >e+8Itg >e+8Itg >e+8Itg >e+8Itg >e+8Itg >e+8Itg >e+8Itg >e+8Itg >e+8Itg >e+8Itg >e+8Itg >e+8Itg >e+8Itg >e+8Itg >e+8Itg >e+8Itg >e+8Itg >e+8Itg Do you wish to escape from You try to get free of 's grasp.!You manage to get free and leave behind!, keeps you from getting away and retaliates! misses his retaliatory attack! attacks and hits you! Your Hit Points - Your Armour Pts - Armour Pts - Dies in an encounterU 1 is fully disarmed and/or has no weapons on hand. You sneak up on and attempt to disarm him. You fail to disarm tries a retaliatory attack! misses his defensive attack! attacks and hits you! Your Hit Points - Your Armour Pts - Armour Pts - Dies in an encounter You disarmed quickly switches to his + cringes as you strip away his only weapon! Right Fist You disarm 's only weapon! 's second weapon!U Fist Left Fist Right Fist # halts your attack as he grabs you! attempts to disarm you! fails to disarm you! You successfully retain your Your # has just been stripped and thrown! Your Status - Enemy's Status - Your Armour Pts - Armour Pts Enemy's Armour Pts - U Reload Weapon first. Current Weapon - Rnds Firing Rate - Rnds per Shot/Swing Set Firing Rate Single/1 Round Short Burst/3 Rounds Extended Burst/6 Rounds Full-Auto/12 Rounds No Change Set Firing Rate SingleShot ShortBurst ExtendedBurst Full-AutoU R C R \ k p \ o t !)!3!=!B!Y!c!m!w!|! "%"/"9">"U"_"i"n" #)#.#E#O#Y#^#u# $'$0$K$U$_$i$z$ %)%3%8%O%Y%j%o%y% &(&-&7&A&K&P&f&p&z& '#'-'7'A'K'U'Z'q'{' (!(+(5(?(D(L(U(r(|( )"),)6)@)E)])g)q){) -4-=-Z-d-i- .$.).@.J.O.f.p.u. /:/D/N/S/j/t/~/ 404A4F4P4U4m4w4 5#5-5>5C5M5R5j5{5 6)63686P6Z6d6i6{6 7 7!7+757:7R7\7f7k7 8+858?8I8N8f8p8z8 ;";1;:;R;j;t;~; <#<(<@+>5>:> ?'?F?U?_?i?n? @.@mA DXD]DlDtD E!EmErE F(F-FOQO P=PBPQPYP QOQTQcQkQxQ R!R)R6RIRwR|R S5S:SISQS TGTLT[TcTpT U!U.UAUoUtU U-V2VAVIV W?WDWSW[WhW{W X&X9XgXlX{X Z(Z-Z7ZFZKZUZdZiZsZxZ [*[;[J[T[^[h[m[w[ \$\.\3\;\@\O\Y\c\h\v\ ]!]0]5]?]D]U]h]m]r]w]|] ]<_L_[_e_o_t_ `(`2`<`F`K`P`_`i`s`x` a a/a9aHaMa^acama~a b!b&b+b>babkbub c'c1c;c@cbcmcrcwc d;dFdKdPd f+f@fJfYfcfmfrfwf g%g/g9g>gCgHgMgUgdgngxg h%h.hZh_hhhphyh j+j0j:jKjPjUjdjnj}j k!k2k7krCrHrMrUrrr|r t t/t4t>tHtRtWthtrt u!u&u7uAuRuWuaufuuu v.v3v=vGvQvVvgvqv w w%w6w@wQwVw`wewtw~w x&xCxlx y>yQy7M7R7\7k7p7z7 8-828<8A8Z8d8s8x8 9$93989B9Q9V9`9q9v9 :":':@:J:Y:^:h:w:|: ;(;7;<;F;W;\;f;k; <&<0%>*>4>C>H>R>a>f>p> ?#?(?2?7?P?Z?i?n?x? @)@.@8@G@L@V@g@l@v@{@ A6A@AOATA^AmArA|A B-B2BDRDWDfDpDuDzD F F*F9F>FHFMF^FmF~F G!G+G_+ uH >_+ uH (How many credits will one of these cost (Who is buying this item (Cr/ALL) Non-Existant Player.(Put how many items in cache U Type Of Items to Sell Weapons Protective/Armour Miscellaneous Items Put Forts up for sale Check Status Exit Sell Items Sell which item-type? ExitSell SellWeapons Weapon [A] - Rounds/ Ammo Packs Weapon [B] - [*/Exit] Put Which Up For Sale SellWeapon12How much will this weapon cost (0/Exit-No Sell) 2Who are you selling this weapon to (Enter-Cr/All) Non-Existant Player. Weapon&Enter a 2-Lined Description or Message Left Fist Weapon [A] placed up for sale. SellWeapon2 Right Fist Weapon [B] placed up for sale. SellArmour2How much will this armour cost (0/Exit-No Sell) 2Who are you selling this armour to (Enter-Cr/All) Armour Enter a 2-Lined Description Armour placed up for sale. SellFort Exit Put Forts Up For Sale Put Which Fort Up For Sale 1How much will you sell this fort for (0/Exit) 1Who are you selling this fort to (Cr or ALL/All) 6Enter a 2-Lined Description or Message About This Fort Fort is now up for sale. SellMiscItems#Put Miscellaneous Items Up For Sale Compass Mappers Medical Kits Clocks Communicators LandMines Fort Scanners Transporters PassCards Tracking System Space EcoSystem Thermal Viewers Tracking Jammers Thermal Scanners Fort Code Hackers THS Systems Geographic Analyzers PTS Fort Analyzers Infrared Analyzers Interplanetary Transporters2[*-Exit]/Put Which Miscellaneous Item up for sale ExitSaleMiscItems Compass Mapper MedicalKit Medical Kit Clock Communicator LandMine FortScanner Fort Scanner Transporter PassCard TrackingSystem Tracking System SpaceEcoSystem Space EcoSystem ThermalViewer Thermal Viewer TrackingJammer Tracking Jammer ThermalScanner Thermal Scanner FortCodeHacker Fort Code Hacker THSSystem THS System GeoAnalyzer Geographic Analyzer PTSFortAnalyzer PTS Fort Analyzer InfraredAnalyzer Infrared Analyzer InterplanetaryTransporter Interplanetary Transporter gC5H5W5\5f5k5p5 6'646C6M6R6W6\6a6 7)7.787G7L7V7[7e7s7 9#9(9-92979G9Q9_9d9w9 :/:::I:S:b:g:q:v: ; ;%;*;/;b; <1<;<@L>f>u> ?9?P?_?i?s?}? B&B+B5BDBIBSBbBgBqB C%C*C9CCCRCWCaCpCuC D)D3DBDGDQD`DeDoD~D E#E2E7EAEPEUE_EnEsE}E FAFFFUF]F G$G3G;GNG^GcGrGzG HJHOH^HfH I"I'I1I@IEIOI^IcImIrI J J%J4J9JCJHJYJcJhJ K(K=KBKLKWKbKgKlKqK K?LHLWLaLpLuL M$M)M3M8M=MLMVMeMjMtMyM MiNnN}N OMOROaOiOnO P:P?PNPVP[P P'Q,Q;QCQHQvQ{Q R(R0R5RcRhRwR S"SPSUSdSlSqS T7TXlXqX Y&Y+YYY^YmYuYzY ZFZKZZZbZgZ [-[2[A[I[N[y[~[ [\\e\t\~\ \&]0]?]D]N]S]c]q] ^ ^%^afjfyf g-g2gkHkMkVkbksk l%l*l;lJlZl m+m:mOmhmwm n"n,n;n@nJnOn_nmn|n o)o8oBoGoLoQoVo}o p/p~p q$q=qLqVq[q`qeqjq r$r4rBrQr[rjroryr~r s!s&s+sRslsqs tTt^tmtrt|t u'u6u@uEuJuOuTupu v)v8vBvQvVv`vevuv w w3w8wRwWwfwnw x)x3xBxGxQx`xexox~x y y(H(W(\(f(k( )')6);)E)T)Y)c)r)w) *(*2*A*F*P*_*d*n*}* +,+6+E+J+T+c+h+r+ ,7,A,P,U,_,n,s,}, -$-)-I-S-b-g-q- .%.*./.E.O.^.c.m.r. .9/k/ /?0V0 1%1*191C1H1M1\1f1u1z1 2$2)2:2I2Z2 3,363;3@3O3Y3h3m3w3 4!40454?4I4S4X4g4q4 5%54595C5H5W5a5p5u5 6$6)63686G6Q6`6e6o6~6 7#7(777A7P7U7_7n7s7}7 8'818@8E8O8^8c8m8|8 9,969;9R9p9z9 :#:;:R:j: ;+;5;];b;q;{; <%<*<4'>3>D>R>c>h>q>v>{> >\?f?u?z? @&@6@>@U@_@d@t@ A A.AWAaAfAvA B!B/BQB[BjBtByB~B D"D'D1D6DLD[DkDsD E3ECEXEhE F(F8FMF]FrF G-GBGRGgGwG H2HBHWHgH|H I'I7ILI\IqI J'JvCvXvbvlvqv y2y7yThe Fort's shielding protects the overall blast of the System.* - Satellite Warfare System\Damages Fort HAs seconds pass, the walls become heated, and the fort completely melts!+ - Satellite WarFare System\Destroys Fort - Fort Destruction Death/ AttackAPlayer.Use Satellite WarFare System on Which Player? !You set the computer's coords to 's location.GThe coords were slightly off, sending the shot to a bare piece of land.$ - Satellite WarFare System\Misses The SWS's shot flies and hits .# - Satellite WarFare System\Kills " - Satellite WarFare System\Hits U #Advance Technical Proficiency Level:You have reached the highest possible technological level. Cash on Hand Credits Current Tech Level Highest Tech Level Advance to which Tech Level? It will cost bucks to advance to level . Proceed? 9A Transparency Field will not operate properly on this planet..To build the Transparency Field, it will cost -Do you wish to build the Transparency Field? -You build and install the Transparency Field.DTo activate the Transparency Field, go to Use/Pick Up TechDev Items.BTo make 1 Interplanetary Transporter, it will cost 250000 Credits..Produce how many Interplanetary Transporters? :To build the Matter/Anti-Matter Power Array, it will cost 9Do you wish to build the Matter/Anti-Matter Power Array? @To make 1 Use for the Add. Module, it will cost 5000000 Credits.HTo make 1 Unit for the Interstellar T-Unit, it will cost 300000 Credits. Produce how many Units? JTo make 1 Use for the Interstellar PinPointer, it will cost 1 Mil Credits.CTo build the VZ2099 Tracking Jammer, it will cost 13500000 Credits.!Do you wish to build the VZ2099? ATo make 1 Interstellar GenoCide Pod, it will cost 70 Mil Credits. Produce how many Pods? *To build an Anti-FCH System, it will cost )Do you wish to build an Anti-FCH System? .You install the Anti-Fort Code Hacking System..You already have an Anti-FCH System installed. J C H b g v ~ !#!;!E!T!Y!c!r!w! "2"N"j"}" #!#)#=#H#W#a#f#u# #%$/$4$J$T$Y$o$y$~$ %&%/%>%R%a%k%p% &(&-&<&D&I&N&^&m&w&|& '$'<'X']'b'r'w' (.(3(B(L(Q(V(p(u( ))).)9)>)C)`)j)y)~) ***:*V*i* +%+.+k+p+ ,-,2,<,A,F,K,P,U,^,m, -!-&-+-0-5-H-[-f-u- .(.-.<.D.T.^.h.v.{. /(/0/K/P/_/g/z/ 0J0O0^0f0 1/1>1]1w1 2U2Z2i2q2 3'363@3E3U3_3m3r3w3|3 3T4^4h4v4{4 515D5 7!7;7E7T7Y7c7r7w7 8,818;8J8O8Y8^8c8r8|8 9#9-9<9A9R9W9f9k9u9 :::UNrN O$O)OFOPO_OdOnOsO P$P.P=PBPLPQPnPxP Q Q*Q/QLQVQeQjQtQyQ R*R4RCRHRRRWRtR~R S!S&S0S5SRS\SkSpSzS T T&T0T?TDTNTSTpTzT U"U,U1UNUXUgUlUvU{U V,V6VEVJVTVYVvV W#W(W2W7WTW^WmWrW|W X2XYHYWY\YfYkYpY Z%Z4ZDZsZ ['[,[6[;[@[O[Y[h[m[w[|[ [K\d\n\ ^'^,^=^L^\^ _/_4_>_C_H_W_a_p_u_ _S`l`v` b b%b/b4bEbTbdb c&c7ckMkWkfkkkukzk kIlblll}l n%n*n;nJnZn o!o&o5o?oNoSo]oboso o1pJpTpepjptpyp~p r!r&r+r7rHr_r s)s8s=sGsLs]sls|s t4t>tOtTt^tcthtwt v,vov w'w1w@wEwOwTw]wiwzw x%x*x4x9x>xMxWxfxkxuxzx xIybyly}y {%{*{3{?{P{g{ |)|f| },}X}]}l}v}{} ~#~7~P~ View Tech Level Documentation Fort Scanner PTS Fort Analyzer 3' Tech Dev Pistol/80 Rounds/5 Ammo Packs 4! Tech Dev Suit/2450 Armour Points Space EcoSystem Thermal Package Fort Code Hacker Power Array\Cold Fusion Transporter Geographic Analyzer Tracking Package Satellite WarFare System Satellite Defense System MX42 Fort Tracking System THS System DeContamination System (1 Use) MX42 Nuclear Missile Dry Dock Enhancement Anti-Fort Code Hacking System Power Array\Matter/Anti-Matter 21" SunBlaster/80 Rounds/5 Ammo Packs 22, Infino-SunBlaster Armour/8500 Armour Points 23' 14-Digit Fort Management Security Code 240 Quad-Pulsar All-Purpose Security/Defense System Transparency Field Infrared Analyzer 27- Satellite Warfare System/Add. Module (1 Use) 28" Quad-Pulsar Attack System (1 Use) 29% Highly-Advanced Anti-Tracking System Interplanetary Transporter 31/ Quad-Pulsar Defense System/Add. Module (1 Use) 32' Interstellar Transmission Unit (1 Use) 33 Interstellar PinPointer (1 Use) 34+ Interstellar Series VZ2099 Tracking Jammer Interstellar GenoCide Pod Exit Tech Level Docs(View Documentation on which Tech Level? Fort ScannerDThis Fort Scanner is an additional scanner which completely lays outJthe entire outside map and reads in all forts in existence. When lain out,Athis device provides convenient X/Y Coord-to-Fort transportation.)This device is used with the Transporter. PTS Fort AnalyzerKThe PTS Fort Analyzer, fed by individual X and Y coords, will show completeKchecking and status of that chosen fort at that X/Y location. This item can be used only once. Technical Development/Pistol:This is nothing but a laser-class, fully-automatic pistol.HThis weapon's range of damage is somewhere around 1,000 pts at its peak.,Technical Development/Suit 2450 Armour PtsHThis suit of armour comes with a maximum of 2,450 Armour Pts protection. Space EcoSystemIThe Space EcoSystem is an under-array that can almost retain a perfectly-Lhabitable, internal environment for the wearer. This suit can withstand highGg-force environments, severe atmospheric conditions, as well as intense areas of radioactivity. Thermal PackageDThe Thermal Package includes a Thermal Viewer and a Thermal Scanner.KThese items are used for scanning for other individuals in a specific area. Fort Code HackerKThe Fort Code Hacker is a small, hand-held scanner, when placed on a fort'sHstructure (wall, door, etc.), can find and manipulate the stored data ofMjust about any code the fort may use for security. This item may only be used one time per usage.*Power Array/Cold Fusion 4000 Power Units?The Cold Fusion Power Array is a very technically-efficient wayJof obtaining large amounts of energy while using some the most inexpensiveLmaterials for fuel. The Cold Fusion Power Array gathers matter, converts theIentire chunk of matter into a collection of neutrons, protons, and unusedKelectrons (which will be added), and sends them through a constant particle3acceleration/collider while at near 70 Fahrenheit. Transporter3Personal, hand-held matter Transporter. Very handy. Geographic AnalyzerJThe Geographic Analyzer is a 9x9 representation of the classic 5x5 Mapper. Tracking PackageJThe Tracking Package includes two items : A Tracking System and a TrackingIJammer. Both of these items is used in coordination with the Transporter. Satellite Warfare SystemJThis attack system, while using an already pre-orbited satellite, providesMsuperb fort-to-fort warfare on a local area basis. This attack system, due toJthe scanning abilities of an orbital satellite, can detect any fort in theNlocal area. This attack system is based on an idea of pulsing an intense laserOof immense proportions, surging it directly to an orbital, reflector-satellite,#and sending it to a targetted area.KThis system may impose a slight effect on a body's environmental condition.*Damage/Fort 700-1000 Shield Pts$Damage/Camped Player 6000-7000 Pts Satellite Defense SystemDThe Satellite Defense System is automatically activated when an MX42GNuclear Missile is launched towards your fort. This defense system willElessen the chances of nuclear annihlation of your fort by launching aFlaser of immense temperature to the MX42 while it is in space. The SDSGis much like the Satellite Warfare System, except it has been convertedGto be used in a defense posture. This defense system provides excellent+protection from an array of attack modules. MX42 Tracking SystemJThe MX42 Tracking System is a form of guidance used with the MX42 Warhead.HThis system provides better efficiency for direct hits with the warhead. THS SystemFThe Transporter Homing System, or THS System, is an item used with theGTransporter that may temporarily keep track of personalized, individual%X/Y coordinates of a particular area. DeContamination System (1 Use)FThis DeContamination System can, through proper use, decontaminate, orIcontaminate/recontaminate the radiation and/or environmental hazards of aLplanet or moon. One usage can either decrease the radiation or environmentalLcount by one factor. This system is also used in the TerraFormation Process,Hby which a certain combination of atmosphere is replaced by that of moreLcompatible, and habitable atmospheric conditions. The TerraFormation ProcessIis only available on those planets that are not Jovian in size. It is not:available for moons or other bodies that lack atmospheres. MX42 Nuclear MissileJThis weapon is basically just a nuclear-fusion warhead. This warhead, whenIused with the MX42 Tracking System, may scan all forts in the local area.LAlthough the environmental stress caused by this weapon is great, the actualFefficiency of this weapon, due to poor guidance, is less than average.+Damage/Fort 1500-2500 Shield Pts Dry Dock EnhancementFIf the Dry Dock fort add-on is built, two new functions are available:+High-Tech Weaponry and Armour Construction! Anti-Fort Code Hacking SystemHYour Anti-Fort Code Hacking System keeps others' Fort Code Hacker's fromHobtaining your fort's codes at a distortion efficiency rate of 80%. WhenGyour Anti-FCH System detects an FCH, it will jam the FCH's code hacking-ability and show no part of your fort's code.1Power Array/Matter/Anti-Matter 8000 Power UnitsIThe Matter/Anti-Matter Power Array is the most technically advanced PowerLArray available. The Matter/Anti-Matter Power Array is merely a huge reactor8that smashes harnessed Hydrogen and Anti-Hydrogen atoms. SunBlasterKThis fusion-class, fully-automatic weapon may cause as much as 4,200 pts of/of armour-eating damage at its top performance.(Infino-SunBlaster Armour/8500 Armour PtsFThis Infino-class armour comes with a maximum of 8,500 pts protection. 14-Digit Fort Management CodeCIf you wish to change your 14-Digit Fort Management Code, go to theGFort Management area of your Fort Configuration, and choose option [B].>Quad-Pulsar All-Purpose Security/7000-Shield Pt Defense SystemFThe Quad-Pulsar All-Purpose Security/7000-Point Defense System does an assortment of things : G[1] A trememdous form of door security which lets the player enter in aC 7-Digit, unhackable door code. If it doesn't match, the machine7 instantly wipes the guy off the face of the planet.J[2] Another way of keeping people from using FCH's on your fort by zapping) the FCH'ee to death when he uses one.K[3] When someone uses a LandMine to blow your door security off, this thing' will blow that dude's butt to hell!K[4] When implemented, this will also provide effective Fort-to-Fort warfareD with superb guidance and damage-inducing power to an enemy fort.I[5] This thing does one last thing - It comes with a POWERFUL, 7000 PointL fort shielding layer around the fort at ALL times. Note - This shielding can be upgraded.,[6] The Quad-Pulsar is also VERY expandable.I[7] There is an 8 Million Credit 2500 pt. shield upgrade available. It is< accessible through fort Defenses in the Fort Management. Transparency FieldDThe Transparency Field, simply put, keeps Mappers from "seeing" yourGfort. This device actually spreads the molecular structure of your fort>and lets all visible light go through without reflecting back.6Side note - This device will not work on some planets. Infrared AnalyzerLThe Infrared Analyzer, when used with a Geographic Analyzer, will change theMGeo Analyzer's light-wave frequency from visible light to infrared light. TheGchange will then produce infrared (heat) images of hidden forts using aNTransparency Field, which is invisible to the naked eye. This item may only be used once.(Satellite Warfare System/Addition ModuleHThe Addition/Module for the Satellite Warfare System concentrates mainlyMon forts that possess the Quad-Pulsar Defense System. This module, if workingEproperly, should disassemble that fort's Quad-Pulsar Defense System. ?This module is used directly with the Satellite Warfare System. Quad-Pulsar Attack SystemIThis is the head-hanco of fort-to-fort warfare. This attack system, whichJis a simple modification to the Quad-Pulsar intself, houses the power of aKchunk of harnessed pulsar, slingshots it around the firing planet/moon, andIsends it at faster-than-light speed to its target. This attack system canLbe used on an interplanetary/interstellar basis. This module poses a serious2risk to a planet's/moon's environmental condition.6This unit requires the Quad-Pulsar Door Security Unit.&Damage/Fort Around 2500 Shield Pts$Highly-Advanced Anti-Tracking SystemFThe Highly-Advanced Anti-Tracking System is an inter-satellite attemptHto keep others' forts from scanning and locking onto your fort's coords.HAlthough this has a very good success rate against the Satellite WarfareMSystem, the ATS has absolutely no visible effect on the MX42 Tracking System. Interplanetary TransporterHThis hand-held item, using light-bending abilites much like the standardGTransporter harnessess, can be activated to send the user a distance of@upto 5 billion miles. This item may only be used once per usage.*Quad-Pulsar Defense System Addition ModuleJThe QPAS Defense System Add. Module is a reconverted version of the AttackKSystem which, when another QPAS Attack System (shot) is fired at your fort,Ewill fire a shot back in an attempt to neutralize the attacking shot.LThis Module is also effective against the Satellite Warfare Addition Module.NWhen an SWS/Addition Module shot is fired towards your Quad-Pulsar system, theMDefense module acts on its own and fires a shot out, in an attempt to deflect8C8Y8c8r8w8 9"9,9;9@9J9O9e9o9~9 :.:8:G:L:V:[:j:t: ;>;O;T;c;m;|; < <*#>2><>A>K>P>U>Z>x> ?(?-?7?A?K?U?_?d?i?n? @"@'@,@J@T@Y@^@m@w@|@ A'A1A;A@AEAJAnAxA}A B,B6B;BEBJBOBTBrB|B C'C1C;CECOCYCcChCmCrC D$D)D.D=DGDLDVD[D`DeD E#E-E2EoGo p5p?pDpIpNpSp[pjptp q*q4qBqGq u&u@uZutu v-vHvcv~v w x&xDxbx y7yUysy zDzbz {/{M{k{